24th anniversary gift themes and ideas

Help your loved one(s) to celebrate the 24th anniversary by coming up with a creative gift that uses our established list of themes as your inspiration.

Traditional 24th Anniversary Theme for Gifts: Opal: United States

Opal giftOpals are thought to be an inspiration of love and hope and are believed to bring happiness and good luck to the recipients.

Modern 24th Anniversary Theme for Gifts: Musical Instruments

As a couple can make beautiful music together, a gift incorporating musical instruments on this anniversary year encompasses everything that music brings - beautiful memories, passion and emotion.

Gemstone: Tanzanite

Colour: Lavender

Floral Theme: NA

Traditional Anniversary Gift Suggestions

• Opal jewellery (necklace, earrings, ring, bracelet)

Modern Anniversary Gift Suggestions

• Musical instrument

• Tickets to a musical play or production, symphony orchestra or opera

• Music-related products and accessories (speakers, iPod, CD)

• Popular songs from the dating years

• Print of a celebrity musician(s) or of a musical production

• Tanzanite jewellery (necklace, earrings, ring, bracelet)

• Vintage sheet of music

Below are the next 5 anniversary gift themes:

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